Time splits
2023 \ video and sound installation, 20’00’’ \ 3-channel video, multi-channel sound \ Theater Münster
2024 as solo exhibition at das LOT, Vienna
Video Susanne Brendel Concept Susanne Brendel, Carmen C. Kruse Interaction Design & Motion Tracking Peter Venus Soundscape Manuel Zwerger (Sounddesign), Sinfonieorchester Münster Interviews Penda Diouf, Carmen C. Kruse, Gesa Maria Kruse Project coordination Susanne Brendel, Carmen C. Kruse, Gesa Maria Kruse, Leonora Scheib
The video installation Time splits was created as part of the opera Great Open Eyes (Manuel Zwerger, Carolyn Amann, Carmen C. Kruse).
Based on conversations with grieving people in Münster and Vienna, the installation tries to portray how the loss of a loved one manifests itself in life, in the body, in places, in encounters, in remembering, in telling.
It wanders from the everyday to the eternal, from the first moment to the long afterlife, from innermost feelings to encounters with the environment.
A production by Civic Opera Creations und Theater Münster.
In partnership with Bethanien Sternenkinder Beratungsstelle Münster/Osnabrück, Hospiz Greven des Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V., Ehe-, Familien- und Lebensberatungstelle des Bistums Münster, Hospizbewegung Münster, Königskinder Münster, Herzenskinder Österreich, Verein trauernde Eltern, Selbsthilfegruppe Regenbogen Wien, und Caritas Wien. Supported by Penda Diouf, Schloss Unterloibl, Karba Pack und EKP.
Images © Susanne Brendel